5 Ways To Deal With Mother-In-Law Drama And Wahala

We know how hard it could be when dealing with your Mother-in-law but going through the 5 ways here will help you reduce that drama.

1. Talk To Your Partner

It’s possible your partner might not be able to solve things for you but talking to him or her about it might just go a long way in making the situation better.

2. Extend An Olive Branch

Make sure you are always nice and courteous to her.

Also, try as much as possible to actively involve her in the life of her grandkids and show her gratitude for the things she does for them and your partner.

Amazing Fact: Grandkids always soften older women.

3. Pick Your Battles

Try not to react to everything that she says and does. However, if it’s a touchy issue, talk to your husband about it and have him tackle it.

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And where she’s open to dialogue, you disclose the topic so that both of you can figure out a way to resolve the problem.

4.  Set Boundaries

You will need your husband’s help in this regard but boundaries have to be set.

Whether in the area of her involvement in your relationship with your husband or in raising the kids or in other aspects of your nuclear family.

It is important for you to create and respect boundaries.

5. Take A Break

If the relationship between the two of you has turned venomous and is affecting your household and relationship with your partner, it’s best to take a break from her.

But this may be easier said than done though.


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