Created by Wale Adenuga in 1996, Papa Ajasco and Company (formerly known as The Ajasco Family) is a long-standing Nigerian family television sitcom that continues to captivate audiences to this day. This iconic show originated from a feature film of the same title produced by Wale Adenuga in 1984, which itself was based on the comic Ikebe Super.
Centered around the Ajasco family, the sitcom humorously addresses significant societal issues. The central characters include the womanizing patriarch, Papa Ajasco, his enduring wife Mama Ajasco, their mischievous son Bobo Ajasco, local playboy Boy Alinco, the promiscuous gold-digger Miss Pepeiye, and the illiterate ne’er-do-wells Pa James and Pa Jimoh. During its peak, Papa Ajasco was widely recognized as Nigeria’s most-watched comedy series, reaching audiences in twelve African countries.
Wale Adenuga had earlier released the Papa Ajasco movie in 1983, contributing to the Golden Age of Nollywood productions. In an interview, Adenuga revealed that the character Papa Ajasco was inspired by the lead role in Ikebe Super. The transition from film to television occurred in 1996 when Adenuga started producing and airing the television series as Ajasco Family.
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The notable characters in the series include Papa Ajasco, a womanizing bald-headed husband often expressing surprise with head-hitting gestures; Mama Ajasco, the wife of Papa Ajasco; Pa James, an elderly man who often communicates in unintelligent ways; Boy Alinco, a narcissistic young man with a distinctive way of walking; Miss Pepeiye, a materialistic young lady; and Bobo Ajasco, the son of Papa and Mama Ajasco.
Papa Ajasco enjoys a widespread audience, being broadcast weekly across twenty terrestrial stations in Nigeria and in eleven African countries, including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Guinea.
Other family shows, such as Fuji House and others, garnered significant viewer interest.