Xera Social

It is no longer a rumour that the Most- Awaited Xera Social has started to take shape.


Xera Social

Despite the fact that the Xera Social has been implemented, many people are still finding it hard to explore it.

I have even seen many people sending me private messages via Facebook and WhatsApp that they still don’t know how to use or navigate the Xera Social.

Some members even complained that whenever they post content or article, they don’t see it visible on the News feed.

In this post, I will be educating the newbies on how to use the Xera Social Platform.

The two main sections on Xera Social that you need to be conversant with are:

1) News Feed

2) Discussions

1) News Feed: This is the section or page where featured posts can be seen. Before posts can be seen in this section, it must first go through moderation review.

Kindly be informed that Not all posts can be featured on the News Feed Because some posts might look offensive or spamming to the audience.

That is why we need to be controlling the kind of post that can be eligible to be featured in the News feed.

2) Discussions: Any post published by a member of Xera can be seen on this page. Both the Featured and unfeatured posts are visible here.

Any Xera Member who publishes a post will first get it seen on the discussion section. If the post passed the moderation review, such post will be featured in the News Feed section.

The kind of post that can be featured in the News feed section are Politics, business, romance, sports, health, religion, education etc.

Also, be informed that your post or content must contain image because post without image uploads will be ignored.


To locate the news feed and discussions, Click on the icon at the top left corner.

Once you have clicked on it, you will see drop down menu or options showing News Feed, Discussions.

How Do I Make Money From The Xera Social Engagement

When you log in to Xera.ng; You are actually on the Xera Nigeria Page. It is actually a social page every member from Nigeria can engage in.

Here is what you earn when you engage on the page:

1. Your get N1.00 for every likes on your post.

2. You get N50 for every featured post. If your post makes the news feed, you get a N50.

3. You get N30 for every 100 views/reads on your post.

So format your post properly and also make them interesting so that it can attract more users, likes, comments and reads. We will feature good posts.


If you are yet to register, kindly visit https://xera.ng/Sunexx360 or send your message to 08130197355 for more assistance

Meanwhile, More important updates are still coming..

– Xera to the world

3 thoughts on “Quick Understanding On How The Xera Social Works”
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